Untitled Document
DAY 1 - 14.11.2024
13.00-14.20 Courses    
13.00-13.40 Course 1 - Essity    
  Compression Bandaging
Arda Çetinkaya, Olaf Ebenau
13.40-14.20 Course 2 - Smith + Nephew    
  Debridment with Hydrosurgery System    
14.20-14.30 Coffee Break    
14.30-15.40 Session A - Diabetic Foot Management Basics    
14.30-14.45 The Spectrum of Diabetic Foot Disease Presentations
Mike Edmonds
14.45-15.00 Percutaneous Flexor Tenotomy
Chris Manu
15.00-15.20 The Role of Deep Tissue Sampling in Diabetic Foot Practice
Erika Vainieri
15.10-15.50 Course 3 - Solventum
15.20-15.40 Bone Biopsy Workshop
Prash Vas / Maureen Bates
  Solutions to Accelerate the Wound Healing
Levent Afşar
15.40-15.50 Question & Answer
15.50-16.00 Coffee Break 15.50-16.00 Coffee Break
16.00-16.15 Total Contact Casting in Diabetic Foot
16.00-16.50 Workshop: AOTI
16.15-16.30 Modified Casting Techniques From India
Srinivas Seshabhattar
  Reducing DFU related Amputations, Hospitalizations and Recurrence with multi-modality cyclical pressure Topical Wound Oxygen (TWO2) therapy
Dane Wukich / Mike Griffiths
16.30-16.50 King's Modified Total Contact Casting Demonstration
Maureen Bates / Wegin Tang
16.50-17.00 Question & Answer  
Free Paper Presentations - 1 Free Paper Presentations - 2 Free Paper Presentations - 3
18.40-19.30 Opening Ceremony  
  Hakan Uncu, Venu Kavarhapu, Mike Edmonds, Ali Barutçu
DAY 2 - 15.11.2024
08.30-10.10 Session C - Joint Session: Multidisciplinary Care in Diabetic Foot  
08.30-08.45 40 Years of King's Multidisciplinary Diabetic Foot Service
Mike Edmonds
08.45-08.55 What We Do at King's MDFS - The Podiatrist
Maureen Bates
08.55-09.05 What We Do at Kings MDFS - The Physician
Chris Manu
09.05-09.15 What We Do at King's MDFS - The Vascular Surgeon
Hani Slim
09.15-09.25 What We Do at Kings MDFS - The Orthopaedic Surgeon
Venu Kavarthapu
09.25-09.35 Plastic Surgeon Lead for Diabetic Foot Service in Türkiye
Gaye Filinte
09.35-09.45 Leading Diabetic Foot Surgery Service in Dallas, USA
Dane Wukich
09.45-09.55 Growing Diabetic Foot Wounds Burden in Türkiye - Collaboration with King's
Hakan Uncu
09.55-10.10 Discussion
10.10-10.30 Coffee Break 10.10-10.30 Coffee Break
10.30-12.10 Session D1 - Basics of Charcot Neuroarthropathy 10.30-11.30 Session D2 - Wound and Infection
10.30-10.45 Pathogenesis of Charcot Neuroathropathy
Nina Petrova
10.30-10.50 Practical Microbiology for the Foot Infections
Chris Manu
10.45-11.05 Imaging of Charcot Foot
Vijay Papineni
10.50-11.05 What We Know About Biofilm and Antibiotic Use in Infected Wounds?
Katherine Raspovic
11.05-11.20 Medical Treatment of Charcot Neuroathropathy - Can It Be Effective?
Nina Petrova
11.05-11.20 Management of Hard to Heal Infected Wounds
Erhan Güven
11.20-11.35 Setting up the First Comprehensive Diabetic MDFT in India
Srinivas Seshabhattar
11.20-11.30 Discussion
11.35-11.55 BOFAS Presidential Lecture: Driving Diabetic Foot Reconstruction Training in the UK
Mark Davies
11.30-12.10 Satellite Symposium - Smith + Nephew
11.55-12.10 Discussion   Diabetic Foot Surgery Needs NPWT-Polish Experience
Marcin Malka
12.10-13.20 Lunch Break 12.10-13.20 Lunch Break
13.20-15.00 Session E1 - Diabetic Foot Infections 13.20-14.20 Session E2 - Pressure Ulcers
13.20-13.35 Imaging for Diabetic Foot Infections
Vijay Papineni
13.20-13.40 Current Approaches to Prevent Pressure Ulcers
Hatice Ayhan
13.35-13.50 Diabetic Foot Attack - When Not Too Late?
Prash Vas
13.40-13.55 The Role of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation for Pressure Ulcer Management
Seçilay Güneş
13.50-14.05 Surgery is the Only Option for Diabetic Foot Attack
TV Raja
13.55-14.10 Wound Healing and Nutritional Support
İlknur Bayram
14.05-14.20 Soft Tissue Closure Following Large Debridements
Çağrı Uysal
14.10-14.20 Discussion
14.20-14.35 Tendon Balancing in Diabetic Foot Presentations 14.20-15.00 Satellite Symposium - Med Office
14.35-14.50 IADFS Presidential Lecture: Charcot Foot - How Common is it in USA?
Dane Wukich
  The Importance of Preventing Pressure Ulcers in Hospitalized Patients
Selim Safalı
14.50-15.00 Discussion  
15.00-15.20 Coffee Break 15.00-15.20 Coffee Break
15.20-17.00 Session F1 - Revascularisation of the Diabetic Foot 15.20-16.20 Session F2 - Wound Care
15.20-15.35 Vascular Assement of the Diabetic Foot
Chris Manu
15.20-15.35 What are the Challenges in Implementing Evidence Wound Care Practice?
Filiz Öğce
15.35-15.50 Revascularisation in Diabetic Foot Infections
Hani Slim
15.35-15.55 What is New in Wound Care; International Consensus
Prash Vas
15.50-16.05 Above the Ankle Revascularisation Solutions
Arda Çetinkaya
15.55-16.10 New Technologies for Tissue Replacement
Perçin Caşkan
16.05-16.20 Below the Ankle Revascularisation Solutions
Hani Slim
16.10- 16.20 Discussion
16.20- 16.35 Endovascular or Bypass - How We Decide?
Hakan Uncu
16.20-17.00 Satellite Symposium - Solventum
16.35-16.50 Prevention of Vascular Complication During Reconstructions
Venu Kavarthapu
  The Science Behind Negative Pressure Therapy and Closed Incision NPWT; Clinic Evidence
Franco Bassetto, M. Tahir Ozer
16.50-17.00 Discussion  
17.10-18.00 Workshop: Orthosolution 17.10-18.00 Workshop: Lohmann & Rauscher
  Complex Hindfoot Nail Reconstructions
Mark Davies, Venu Kavarthapu
  Optimizing Wound Care Outcomes: Easy Dressing and NPWT
Rainer Stanek
DAY 3 - 16.11.2024
08.30-10.10 Session G1 - Management of Complex Diabetic Foot Wounds 08.30-09.30 Session G2 - Leg Ulcers
08.30-08.45 The Conundrum Around Dressings for Diabetic Foot Wounds?
Rajesh Kesavan
08.30-08.45 Lymphedema and Lymphatic Ulcer: Skin and Wound Care Best Practice
Pınar Borman
08.45-09.00 Postoperative Wound Care - A Targeted Approach
Wegin Tang
08.45-09.00 What do the Guidelines Say for Venous Ulcers ?
Hakan Uncu
09.00-09.15 An Actively Infected Diabetic Wound With Deformity
Raju Ahluwalia
09.00-09.20 Skin Tears: Causes, Prevention and Treatment
Dimitri Beeckman
09.15-09.30 When and How I Do Exostectomy?
Mark Davies
09.20-09.30 Discussion
09.30-09.45 The Algorithm to Use When the Wounds Don't Heal
Prash Vas
09.30-10.10 Satellite Symposium - Essity
  Hydrophobic Binding Technology in Pediatrics: A Mutlipurpose Experience for Prevention and Management of Complex Wounds
Gaye Filinte, Guido Ciprandi
09.45-10.00 IFAS Presidential Lecture: Minimally Invasive Approach for Diabetic Foot Infections
TV Raja
10.00-10.10 Discussion
10.10-10.30 Coffee Break 10.10-10.30 Coffee Break
10.30-12.10 Session H1 - Common Themes in Charcot Surgery 10.30-12.10 Session H2 - Diabetic Foot MDT Service
10.30-10.50 Preparing the Patient for Charcot Foot Surgery
Srinivas Seshabhattar
10.30-10.45 How We Manage Diabetic Foot Presentations in Türkiye?
Gaye Filinte
10.50-11.05 Reconstruction of the Active Charcot Foot
Dane Wukich
10.45-11.00 How We Manage Diabetic Foot Presentations in UK?
Maureen Bates
11.05-11.25 The King's Concept of Two Stage Reconstruction for Infected Charcot Foot
Thomas Hester
11.00-11.15 How We Manage Diabetic Foot Presentations in India?
Rajesh Kesavan
11.25-11.45 Ankle Fracture Fixation in Prople With Diabetic Foot Neuropathy
Mark Davies
11.15-11.30 The Basics of Imaging Interpretation for Diabetic Foot Presentations
Vijay Papineni
11.45-12.00 External Fixations in Charcot Foot Reconstructions
Dane Wukich
11.30-11.50 Surgical Debridement of Infected Ulcer
Raju Ahluwalia
12.00-12.10 Discussion 11.50-12.10 Case Examples for MDT Discussion
Erika Vainieri
12.10-13.20 Lunch Break 12.10-13.20 Lunch Break
13.20-14.20 Session I - 1 Techniques in Charcot Midfoot Reconstruction 13.20-13.50 Session I - 2 Debridement
13.20-13.35 The Origin of Long-Segment Rigid Internal Fixation in Optional Opposition
Thomas Hester
13.20-13.35 How I Do Bedside Debridement?
Wegin Tang
13.35-13.50 Beam and Plate Construct is Ideal for Midfoot Reconsruction
Raju Ahluwalia
13.35-13.50 Wound Management Following Infection Debridement
Maureen Bates
13.50-14.05 I Can't Get Beams - What I use?
TV Raja
13.50-14.20 Satellite Symposium - Ditanova: DebX Medical
14.05-14.20 The Beam, the Plate and the Subtalar - A Method Behind Madness
Venu Kavarthapu
  A Novel, One-Time Topical Dessicating Agent for Chemical Debridement
Erhan Güven, Alberto Cogo
14.20-14.35 Coffee Break 14.20-14.35 Coffee Break
14.35-15.20 Session J1 - Advanced Techniques in Charcot Hindfoot 14.35-15.20 Session J2 - Skin pathologies and Burns
14.35-14.50 Hindfoot Nail and Additional Rotational Rigidity
Thomas Hester
14.35-14.50 Management of Malignant Cutaneous Ulcers
Ayşenur Botsalı
14.50-15.05 Building the Foundations First Before the Skyscaper
Venu Kavarthapu
14.50-15.05 Current Management Options for Burn Wounds
Ahmet Demir
15.05-15.20 Charcot Foot Case Discussions from Delegates
Raju Ahluwalia
15.05-15.20 Current Recommodations for Burns and Wounds Scars
Franco Bassetto
15.20-16.10 Workshop: Marquardt UK 15.20-16.10 Workshop: Biocomposite
  Midfoot Charcot Reconction Principles and Dry Bone
Thomas Hester
  Local Application of Calcium Sulfate in Complex Wounds
Prash Vas - Maureen Bates
18.00-19.00 Poster Tour Presentation 18.00-19.00 Poster Tour Presentation
DAY 4 - 17.11.2024
09.00-10.10 Free Paper Presentations - 4 09.00-10.10 Free Paper Presentations - 5
10.10-11.20 Session K - Home Care  
10.10-10.25 Current Approaches to Piyoderma Gangrenosum
İlkin Zindancı
10.25-10.40 Multimodal Wound-Related Pain Management Strategies
Sevilay Erden
10.40-10.55 Palliative Wound Care: Closing the Gap
Gözde Ayçiçek
10.55-11.05 Discussion
11.05-11.20 Coffee Break
11.20-12.15 Session L - General Surgery
11.20-11.35 Management of Traumatic Wounds and Earthquake Injuries
Mehmet Eryılmaz
11.35-11.50 Principles of Open Abdomen Management
Ekrem Ünal
11.50-12.05 Assessment, Diagnosis and Treatment of Peristomal Skin Lesions
Neriman Şengül
12.05-12.15 Discussion
12.15-13.00 Closing Ceremony